CRI has been in business for over 40 years and we want to make sure that our presentation and user experience stand up to that legacy. So, the Consolidated Reinforcement website has gone through a bit of a redesign. We hope this makes your time here with us easier and more pleasant. Please, take a look around and see what CRI has to offer.
All of our services are readily available and you can click through to read more about what we can provide for you and your business. You can also see what commercial projects CRI has done and how involved we get in our local communities. And if you’re curious where CRI started or want to apply for a job, there are pages for that too.
And, of course, there will be new information posted here regularly if you want to keep up to date with news and events at CRI. Or if you just want insight into how everything works around here.
Thanks so much for stopping by and seeing what CRI has to offer. Feel free to reach out today and see what we can do for you.
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